About Us

Upper Albany Main Street (UAMS)

Established in 2000 as an economic development, community revitalization organization we are located in the Upper Albany neighborhood of Hartford, Connecticut. In 2013, UAMS was accredited as a National Main Street Community Development Business Organization by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and is the catalyst for the economic revitalization of the Albany Avenue commercial corridor.

Our Mission:

To preserve, revitalize, and support the commercial district of Upper Albany by working with residents, merchants, and stakeholders to create a neighborhood of choice.”

UAMS is the Avenue’s leading community-business organization and we view economic development as the principal catalyst for improving the quality of life on the Avenue for all those who live, work and visit this historic and diverse neighborhood. Our central customer base comprises of residents and business owners while our global customer base encompasses the broader community.

By capitalizing on the rich African American and West Indian heritage of our neighborhood, UAMS will develop Upper Albany into a destination that attracts people who might not otherwise be predisposed to visit the community and we will continuously seek the necessary resources that add value to every constituency that has a vested interest in our neighborhood.

Furthermore, as a mission-focused organization, UAMS is an economic development engine in Hartford, working to improve the environment for small businesses, promote entrepreneurship and establish Albany Avenue as a vibrant Afro-Caribbean neighborhood of destination.  Upper Albany is a gateway community therefore, its success will have a powerful positive impact on the overall renaissance of the City of  Hartford.