Design Committee Meeting
February 11, 2010
Attendence: Celestia Simmons, Anothony Rinaldi, S. Keller, Doug Gemmell, Kevin Burnham, Yvette Mosely, Keith Tinker, Chris Grant, Glenn Geathers
Meeting– Meeting called to order at 10:15 AM by Marilyn Risi.
Minutes- Motion to accept the Minutes of January 14, 2010 by Marilyn Risi. Meeting was duly made and seconded. Unanimous.
Route 44 Improvement Project
- The submission for 2011 application to Larsen’s office is underway.
- Public Works is moving along with CROG for the infrastructure.
- By next week the Main Street Agency will submit for the pedestrian amenities.
- The city is also working with the MDC and DOT in order to combine the projects to reduce cost. The use of one single contractor will allow one agency to develop a contract for the project. Negotiations between MDC and DOT are taking place.
- There is a way to go before the contract is put together. There is a need for money from another source in order for this to work.
- The project is currently on track and moving forward.
- Construction documents are being prepared and a community meeting will be planned for the public.
- Expect to begin the project in the spring.
- Edgewood Street
- Currently under construction on the North side.
- There has been complete installation of both storm and sanitary lines.
- Currently working on lateral installation. Eighteen homes have been re-plumbed to date. Once this is complete plan to restore the road
- Burton Street
- Progressing to preconstruction activity.
- Anticipate spring start time.
- Baldisar has been contracted.
- Garden Street
- Paganelli was awarded the contract
- Preparatory work being done. Utility companies still working on movement of lines.
- Outreach efforts will be put out to bid.
- Sewer Project – Contract Number 2009-87
- The project includes the installation of approximately 900 feet of 48 inch reinforced concrete drain pipe by the micro-tunneling and open cut methods
- The installation of approximately 600-feet of 12-inch PVC sanitary sewer pipe via the open cut method.
- The installation of approximately 200-feet of 10-inch PVC storm sewer pipe via the open cut method.
- New building service connections.
- The installation of a new CSO regulator structure with slide gate, rehabilitation of the existing combined sewers on Albany Avenue, Garden Street and Liberty Street as indicated, and appurtenant work.
- The Work shall be located in the City of Hartford; in the State of Connecticut as shown on the Drawings and specified herein.
- Coastline
- Coastline will be moving out of 111 Homestead Avenue and Baltazar will move over to the corner of Homestead and Sigourney.
- Baltazar is temporarily located at 146 Homestead Avenue on the corner of Edgewood and Homestead.
Town Center
- Closing has occurred with Exxon Mobile and the city now owns the property.
- There has been a request to meet with Clean Harbor Environmental in order to authorize a complete clean up of the remaining hot spots.
- Fuss and O’Neil will monitor cleaning in order to bring the property to proper commercial standards. The fence will also be brought up to the front of the property and mafia blocks will be removed.
- A new project sign is being manufactured and will be put out on Woodland.
- Currently working with Barbara McGrath to start advertising for a project manager.
- The city is in the process of recommending money for the position in order to help UADC get started and leverage additional money.
- The RFP is being finalized and environmental section has been added to the document.
- Complete history of the different projects that have taken place on the site will also be incorporated. Including test 1 and test 2.
- Subsurface remediation of the three properties is left for the site cleanup.
- They have received calls from a number of large developers. There is a big push coming from Rite Aid.
North West Jones School and Johnny Rodgers
- Received money from the Hartford Foundation to address the stabilization of the building. Contracts to be awarded.
- The CDBG application was submitted.
- Contact the project manager, Ralph Knighten (860-522-7687) for a report. Fred Smith, board representative, could also give an official update.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20
The next meeting will occur at 10:00AM at the Artists Collective on Thursday, March 11th, 2010.